euc syd

Campaign on the 17 SDGs

Fokus Globalt medborgerskab
Uddannelstrin Ungdomsuddannelse
Skolenavn EUC Syd
Kontakt Lucienne Pubellier,

It was a good first week, where we got some precise information about some problems that we will deal with in the future, because these are the topics we will work with in our engineer studies.
In September, EUC Syd ran a pro-active campaign on the 17 Sustainable Development goals.

The project was aiming at explaining FN´s campaign about the sustainable development Goals, UNESCO and how important it is to be pro-active for a better future. Through our campaign, we wanted the students (and their teachers) to take part in the issues that the 17 symbols refer to and get their opinion about what mattered the most to them in order to build some projects that would get the support of the majority. All our upper-secondary classes (International Baccalaureate & Technical upper-seconday) were involved in the campaign, as well as some GF1 classes who participated in the kahoot game – approximately 200 students on the two campuses involved. For three weeks (week 37, 38, 39), we covered the walls of the school with posters about the 17 SDG with flash codes. At the same time, info boards and screens were delivering information about the campaign. The 18th poster was the ballot box. During the campaign, there were films and discussions about UNESCO and our role as a member of the UNESCO ASP network. At the end of the first week, we organised a kahoot game where our students had to answer, in teams, questions about the 17 SDGs. The winners got a piece of 17 SDG cake. After an intensive three-week campaign, the results of the votes showed that our students feel largely concerned with goals 7 and 8 “Affordable and Clean Energy” and “Decent Work and Economic Growth”. Our Student Council and newly created Environment Council have the task to work on these topics together with our upper secondary classes in the coming year.

Download Aktivitetsrapport 2017
