In 2018, Human Rights celebrated their 70th birthday. On that occasion, the UN (United Nations) made the campaign STANDUP4HUMANRIGHTS. It is still active and filled with interesting materials about human rights. You can visit the website here.


Inspired by the name and content of the campaign it is the pleasure of the Danish SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) Schools to invite schools from the Nordic countries to take part in the project “Nordic Camp: Standup4Human Rights.”



Together with a partner school from another Nordic country, it will be your task to investigate what human rights are, what state they are in in your own countries and around the world, and how you can stand up for human rights.


Before Nordic Camp

As you will see, you are going on a journey with 8 steps. Most of the steps will be rounded off with a product. You are going to exchange and communicate about your products with your partner school/class.



Therefore it is important that you agree with your partners upon common deadlines for the different steps, so you can exchange your products at the same time. It is also important to keep all your products. You might be able to use them in step 6, 7 and 8 when it is your turn to take action and stand up for human rights.



Before you start investigating what human rights are, it may be a good idea to get to know your new partner schools and your new partners.


Download the teacher instructions below

Teacher introduction

Download the all the material below

Stand Up For Human Rights (Complete)