UNESCO ASP | English
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unesco sdg goals

Welcome to the Danish UNESCO-ASP network

Get an overview of the Danish UNESCO-ASP network, its context, organization, and who to contact for further information.

Do you want your school to be part of the SDG School network? Contact us to hear more about your school’s opportunity.

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Current UNESCO Projects

The Danish UNESCO network is devided into two main projects, Global Citizenship and Sustainable Development.

Global Citizenship

The project “Global Citizenship” has the purpose of strengthening the students in taking an active and responsible role, when facing and solving global challenges. Moreover, the network wishes to develop students’ ability to actively contribute to a more peaceful, tolerant, and inclusive world.

As a global citizen, you will feel connected to humanity and a larger community. There is an emphasis on political, economic, social, and cultural interdependence and connection between the local, the national, and the global level.

The education for global citizenship aims at the students develop the knowledge, skills, values, and beliefs that are necessary to be able to contribute to a more inclusive, justice, and peaceful world.

Education gives us an in-depth understanding that we are connected as citizens in a global community and that our challenges are interrelated.

Sustainable Development

The project “Sustainable Development” has the purpose of strengthening the students’ competences to make qualified sustainable decisions.

Sustainable development focuses on the balance between environmental, economic, and social development, which all are interdependent. Economic and social development must not occur at the expense of the environment, and vice-versa.

Therefore, the education in sustainable development aims to prevent, that today’s development is a threat to the current and future generations’ opportunities for getting their needs satisfied.

The Global Goals for Sustainable Development

The Danish UNESCO ASP network invites young students & their teachers from 8 different countries to be active participants in a Global Camp in Denmark – hosted by The Global Citizenship Network of Danish UNESCO SDG Schools.

Read more about it below

Quest for the global goals
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Your School and the SDGs

The UNESCO-ASP schools in Denmark are part of the international UNESCO strategy, focusing on UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

UNESCO-ASP and SDG Schools

In September 2015, all UN nations agreed on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals at a UN general assembly. The aim of the goals is to encourage people to become more sustainable before the end of 2030.

The purpose of the SDG schools is to expand and integrate the SDGs through education. The themes of the education can for instance be human rights, global citizenship, intercultural competences, and sustainable development. All of these have their roots in previous projects by the Danish UNESCO network (read more about current projects above).

As a UNESCO SDG school, you are obligated to take part in UNESCO ASPs annual meeting, as well as being active participants in the pedagogical activities within one or two of the UNESCO Networks: Sustainable Development & Global Citizenship.

Read more about our activity plan below.

Activity plan
We hope that the students experienced that they are part of a larger community and that they can make a difference.
Your school can make a difference

Organizational Structure

Read about the organizational structure, the board, and its members.

The Board

A UNESCO ASP board has the overall responsibility for the Danish ASP-network.

The board is made up of:

  • A chairperson, which is a member of the Danish UNESCO national commission.
  • Two members, which are chosen by the Ministry of Education to represent the primary/lower secondary and upper secondary schools.
  • A member, which is chosen between the members of the Danish UNESCO national commission or the special committee under the Danish UNESCO national commission.

Members of the board are chosen for a four-year period. They normally meet four times a year. The daily responsibility – leading, coordinating and administrating is taken care of by the national coordinator.

See the current board members and national coordinator below.

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Contact Information

Find contact information on relevant members of the organization.

c/o Global Platform
Faelledvej 12C, 3. sal
2200 Copenhagen N
CVR: 30641426